Here is a little blurb on prim feet and toes. I'm sorry to say this..but I just don't like them. I know the designers have tried every way to makt them work....those menus just drive me wild. I know some day they will find a way to do it, but for now..I really don't want anything to do with them. At a runway show the other day I saw two, of the top models in SL wearing the crazy things, and it was evident in both cases that they were wearing invisiprims. I have added a couple of small photos to prove my point. The shoes are adorable..and I would buy them if I had the choice to use the invisiprims or not..but we don't get that choice unfortunately. The designers might make 2 pair..one with and one without (plain or peanut if you will)..and odds are the ones without would be the best sellers. With all the fiddling around we have to do with clothing and accessories..why in heaven's name do we want to have to mess with our shoes too???? I want to throw on my shoes and head out the door..not take 30 minutes or more to adjust the color of my feet and/or toes. So, I love you designers dearly...you keep me walking the runways of Second Life, but I'm afraid I'll be walking them minus the invisiprims..unless required to do so for the show. Yes our Avatar feet are ugly as sin, and I so hope you can make this feature work, but until they are easy as 1, 2, 3...thanks, but no thanks!